03 02 Noticia Anpet TransportPolicySpecial Issue: Accessibility, Mobility, and Equity: Lessons, Pitfalls and Perspectives from Transport Policies in Latin America

Prazo de submissão: 30 de Março de 2022.

Background: Despite the benefits and social relevance of sustainable transportation, it has not always been a priority for the urban planning agendas of most Latin American cities. The region has witnessed urban development based historically on high investment in urban roads and public transport, with a lack of public investment in pedestrian spaces and bicycle infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic has recently accelerated some strategies and policies to promote sustainable transport, but it has also made evident some inequality patterns previously ignored within the Latin American planning perspective. Among many things, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of urban logistics systems, the role of technologies in performing daily activities, and the need to provide access to essential services in proximity to households through adequate urban planning.

Latin America has also been a laboratory for innovative transport policy planning and implementation. In recent years, the region has witnessed important advances in public transport systems, the strengthening of bicycle use, and policies discouraging car use. Also, discussions about equity and accessibility have gained relevance in the public agenda. All these policies have provided lessons learned both through successes and pitfalls.

This special issue seeks articles based on Latin American experiences in tackling transportation problems, revitalizing the role of active and public transportation in our cities, and identifying gaps and barriers to implementing sustainable transport policies. This special issue is a space to present and discuss lessons learned from recent transportation planning processes in Latin America and to propose current and future challenges and solutions in the transportation field, particularly those related to accessibility, sustainability and equity.

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