29 04 Noticia Aberta Submissão de trabalhos para coleção de artigosManuscript submission is now open for a new article collection I am co-editing on “Sustainable Urban Transportation in Developing Countries”.

We would like to consider including a paper from you in this collection - if you would like to contribute, you can learn more about the collection Here.

We would be delighted to feature your work and hope you will contribute an original research article/review or a less time-consuming mini-review/perspective.

Further information on article types can be found at this Link.

The aim of the collection is to bring together the latest quality articles from researchers working in the area of sustainable development and sustainable transport, focused on case studies of cities and transportation companies in Developing Countries - intends to explore as many different dimensions of the issue as possible, as for instance best practices and researches in this issue worldwide which can benefit Developing Countries..

This is in collaboration with Frontiers in Future Transportation in the sections Transport Safety, Connected Mobility and Automation, Transportation Systems Modeling & Transportation Emissions.

All research will be published Open Access. Additionally, we aim to put together a free eBook of all published manuscripts to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of the latest research developments in the field.

If you would like feedback on a manuscript’s suitability, please submit an abstract (or proposed research overview) by June 15, 2022.
As we publish on a rolling basis, you are welcome to submit your final manuscript before the deadline of August 01, 2022. We can also accommodate personal extensions if needed.

Please note that publishing fees are applied to accepted articles, but the team at Frontiers is happy to advise you in this regard. You can reach out to our dedicated point of contact at Frontiers if you have any questions: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

If you are interested, please register via the link below. You will shortly receive a follow-up email with further details from Frontiers. If you do not wish to participate but know someone who might, please feel free to forward this on to them.

The editorial team: Barbara Bezerra, Rui Ramos & Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva.
