26 09 ANPET LatinAmericanTransportStudies noticiaTítulo: Latin American Transport Studies

Resumo: Latin American Transport Studies (LATS) is a refereed international journal published by Elsevier in collaboration with the Panamerican Society for Transport and Logistics Research (PANAMSTR). LATS aims at providing useful insights into solving Latin American transport-related issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. It treats all types of transport modes and all issues in the transport sector. While papers dealing with issues specific to Latin America are especially welcome, other papers related to transportation studies are also within the scope of this journal.

The Panamerican Society for Transport and Logistics Research, PANAMSTR, promotes academic and research activities in the area of transport, transit and logistics. It works to strengthen scientific capacity and academic exchange from a multimodal, multisectoral, and multidisciplinary perspective.
