24 08 ANPET Reajuste noticiaA Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes informa que os valores da taxa de publicação da TRANSPORTES serão reajustados e aplicados aos artigos submetidos a partir e 01 de outubro de 2022, após a conclusão do processo de avaliação. Reforçamos que não haverá cobrança no momento da submissão do artigo e nem durante a sua avaliação.

A taxa de publicação será revisada anualmente e para o período de outubro de 2022 a setembro de 2023, os valores são:

  • R$ 850,00 (oitocentos e cinquenta reais) para os artigos submetidos e publicados em português.
  • R$ 650,00 (seiscentos e cinquenta reais) para os artigos submetidos e publicados em inglês.

Tendo em vista o compromisso da ANPET com os seus associados, estarão isentos dessa taxa os artigos em que N − 1 autores (isto é, todos os autores exceto um) sejam associados regulares da ANPET e estejam em dia com o pagamento da anuidade da associação no momento da aceitação do artigo e encaminhamento da versão final do mesmo para a editoração pela TRANSPORTES.

A ANPET fornecerá aos autores os documentos necessários para comprovação do pagamento da taxa de publicação perante programas de pós-graduação ou órgãos de fomento à pesquisa e instituições empregadoras.

Após aprovação do artigo, os autores deverão aguardar o envio da fatura proforma com as informações sobre como proceder quanto ao pagamento da taxa, quando for o caso.

Agradecemos e nos colocamos a disposição para eventuais esclarecimentos.

24 08 ANPET Anuidade noticia 1A Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes (ANPET) informa que, esse ano, de forma excepcional, será concedida a gratuidade da anuidade da Associação ANPET para todos aqueles participarem do 36º Congresso de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes (36 ANPET), a ser realizado na cidade de Fortaleza, de 08 e 12 de novembro de 2022.

A gratuidade será concedia para todas as categorias de Associados ANPET (individual, estudante de pós-graduação e estudante de graduação) e será válida para o período de 31 de julho de 2022 a 01 de agosto de 2023.

Para aqueles que não participarão do 36 ANPET e quiserem se associar, os valores por categoria para o mesmo período (01 de janeiro a 31 de dezembro de 2023), a partir de 01 de janeiro de 2023, são:

Associado Individual – R$ 250,00
Associado Estudante de Pós-graduação – R$ 130,00
Associado Estudante de Graduação – R$ 80,00

Para mais informações sobre como se associar ou participar do 36 ANPET, clique aqui.

21 07 ANPET NewsBulletin noticiaWhat: Hashtag WCTRS VIRTUAL MEET 24-29 JULY 2022

Use our #WCTR2022 hashtag! WCTRS is organising a virtual meet next week, 24-29 July 2022 consisting of dedicated webinars in a range of time zones. Sessions will cover all WCTR topic areas:

Topic Areas:

A: Transport Modes – General
B: Freight Transport and Logistics
C: Traffic Management, Operations and Control
D: Activity and Transport Demand
E: Transport Economics and Finance
F: Transport, Land-use and Sustainability
G: Transport Planning and Policy
H: Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries
I: Infrastructure Design and Maintenance

Distinguished researchers, industry professionals, and policy makers have been invited to give talks and participate in panel discussions. There are sessions by the World Conference on Transport Research Society Young Researchers’ Initiative (WCTRS-Y) which are of special interest to the young members of WCTRS. There is no fee to participate in the virtual meet, please see the draft agenda attached.

If you tweet, please do use our hashtag #WCTR2022 during your sessions, the twitter handle is @WCTRSoc

When: 24-29 July 2022

Further Information: Registration and updated agenda here.

Registered participants will receive the join links.

What: A new Transport Research and Education Network

A Transport Research and Education Network (TREN) has been created and launched at a side event during the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Transport held in December 2021. This network will provide the opportunity to policy makers of ESCAP member States, transport research, education and training institutes and other agencies to exchange on the research and training needs of the region on sustainable transport. ESCAP invites interested transport research, education and training institutes to join the network.

Further Information: Visit the website.
Please register here to become a member of the ESCAP TREN. For further information, please contact: Ms. Wei-Shiuen Ng, Economic Affairs Officer, Email: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

What: Post-doc research contract on Sustainable Maritime Logistics available at the University of Genoa (Italy).

Interested in collaborating within a new exciting EU-funded project on Sustainable shipping and logistics? Join Unige!

Project title: Replicability and scalability optimal conditions of new sustainable marine solutions from an operational and economics perspective

Brief description: At CIELI, we have recently started a series of EU and national funded projects on the impact of the energy and digital transition on the maritime and logistic industries. The successful candidate will then need to develop a comprehensive operational, business, and economic assessment method in order to ease the deployment of different technological solutions. Essential tasks relate to the development of a replicability and appraisal framework for different sustainable logistics solutions under investigation (e.g. wind assisted vessels, logistics of new alternative energy sources). The position is mainly connected to the Horizon Europe funded project Optiwise.

Deadline: 28 July 2022

Further Information: Duration - 2 years. Application Link.

Selection process rules (call 2821, project n.37).

Project supervisor and main contact: Prof. Alessio Tei (Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.)

What: 9th Sustainable Road Freight Workshop, (online & free)

Theme: Resilient transitions to net zero freight transport systems

Keynotes: Anshu Bharadwaj, Chief Executive Officer at Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation; Graeme Cooper, Head of Future Markets at National Grid; Julie Gerdeman, Chief Executive Officer of Everstream Analytics, Jalaj Gupta, Head Commercial Vehicles at Mahindra Group; Gyöngyi Kovács, Erkko Professor in Humanitarian Logistics at Hanken School of Economics; Alan McKinnon, Professor of Logistics at Kühne Logistics University, Philip Paige-Green, Paige-Green Consulting (Pty) Ltd and Tshwane University of Technology; S. A. Sundaresan, Vice President at Ashok Leyland.

Researchers interested in presenting at the event are invited to submit an abstract of max 1000 words by 5th August 2022. Notifications of acceptance for presentations will be sent out by 16th September 2022. Please submit your abstract by sending it to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

When: December 12-14 2022
Deadline: Researchers interested in presenting at the event are invited to submit an abstract of max 1000 words by 5th August 2022

Further Information: For more information about aims & scope and FREE registration to the event see here

What: International workshop organized by the UIC (International Union of Railways)

Following the success of the 1st International Workshop, the UIC (International Union of Railways) has decided to support this initiative as an annual event to be organised by Prof. Francesca Pagliara of the University of Naples Federico II. The aim of this workshop is to explore recent research on the analysis and quantification of the effects, both on economy and on society, of investments in HSR systems.

The workshop is organised by the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School of the University of Naples Federico II and will be held online.

To consult the full programme and to register for the event, please visit here.

When: 13-14 September 2022

Further Information: For information about the workshop please contact: Prof. Francesca Pagliara: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo..

What: Free WCTRS membership July 2022

We are excited to share the decision of the Steering Committee that membership for WCTRS will be free of charge from July 2022 to mid-July 2023. Normally the period of membership is three years, running between our main conference. However, with Covid and the postponement of the Montreal face to face event to 2023 we will extend existing members' membership for one year. There will be no need to fill out any forms to extend membership, but we will shortly be in touch with final details in case anyone wishes to opt out.

We have announced the opportunity for non-members to join the society free for this coming year in the run up to Montreal. We hope this will be a great opportunity for more people to get involved in the Society and we will value your support in promoting this. More details will follow shortly.

When: July 2022 to mid-July 2023

Further Information: On the WCTRS website.


ANPET 21 06 noticiaAs inscrições para o 7º Prêmio Cátedra Abertis em Transportes estão abertas.

Data para inscrição prorrogada até 15 de julho de 2022. 

Com objeto de fomentar o interesse dos universitários brasileiros, e estudantes de mestrado e de doutorado, a Cátedra Abertis estabeleceu o Prêmio Abertis sobre gestão de infraestruturas de transportes e de segurança viária no Brasil, em duas categorias, à:

a) melhor tese de doutorado ou dissertação de mestrado de Gestão de Infraestrutura de Transportes e Engenharia de Transportes, e

b) melhor tese de doutorado ou dissertação de mestrado no tema de segurança viária, que tenham sido defendidas no Brasil durante o ano de 2021, na área de Engenharia de Transportes e correlatas.

Clique AQUI para acessar o Edital do 7º Prêmio Cátedra Abertis

14 06 ANPET ConcursoPublico noticiaO Programa de Engenharia de Transporte da COPPE-UFRJ está com inscrições abertas para o Concurso de Professor! 

Clique AQUI para mais informações.

14 06 ANPET Register noticiaThe 16th World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) Conference in Montreal was postponed to 17-24 July 2023 due to the many difficulties for worldwide travel during the pandemic. To keep its members involved, WCTRS is organizing a virtual meet consisting of many dedicated webinars during 24-29 July 2022. Sessions will cover all WCTR topic areas:

Topic Area A: Transport Modes – General
Topic Area B: Freight Transport and Logistics
Topic Area C: Traffic Management, Operations and Control
Topic Area D: Activity and Transport Demand
Topic Area E: Transport Economics and Finance
Topic Area F: Transport, Land-use and Sustainability
Topic Area G: Transport Planning and Policy
Topic Area H: Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries
Topic Area I: Infrastructure Design and Maintenance

Distinguished researchers, industry professionals, and policy makers have been invited to give talks and participate in panel discussions. There are sessions by the World Conference on Transport Research Society Young Researchers’ Initiative (WCTRS-Y) which are of special interest to the young members of WCTRS. There is no fee to participate in the virtual meet.

The provisional overview and agenda is attached, the agenda has been designed to cater for an international audience attending from different time zones, therefore a large range of times are listed. The updated agenda and access links will be sent to registered participants. Information will be available soon on the Official Event Website and on the generic WCTRS website.

To register click HERE.

For general information about the virtual meet, please contact Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. or the organizer of the specific session.

We look forward to your active participation during the WCTRS Virtual Meet 2022!

On behalf of the organising team,


Helen Robinson (She/Her)

WCTRS Administration and Governance Officer

Working pattern: Mon / Tue / Thu 9am – 3pm

13 06 ANPET PremioCatedraAbertis NoticiaClique AQUI para acessar o Edital e realizar sua Inscrição.

