03 03 ANPET noticia jobopportunities1. Job opportunity: The Neil Smith Research Chair in Sustainable Transport Futures

2. Job opportunity: Funded PhD in Prospective Mobility to Horizon 2060 in France and Australia

What: The Neil Smith Research Chair in Sustainable Transport Futures, University of Sydney ITLS

10-year fixed-term position on a full-time basis with an attractive remuneration package

This Chair will be active in contributing to ITLSs overall program of sustainable transport research, education, and training, overarching all themes of interest to ITLS, government and industry. Given the Institute’s strong interests and reputation, the Chair will primarily focus on land-based passenger and freight transport issues (which includes logistics and supply chains) in both urban and non-urban areas, and expertise in integrated transport and land use and environmental modelling will be highly relevant. While aviation and maritime are relevant to a sustainable transport future, the main focus of the Chair is expected to be on land transport services.

Deadline: Sunday, 20 March, 2022.

Further Information: For further information please see the job listing on the University of Sydney’s career site

What: PhD in Prospective Mobility to Horizon 2060 in France and Australia

Exciting opportunity for a PhD student to research the ‘ambitious’ topic of ‘Prospective mobility to 2060’ across two advanced, but distinctly different contexts, France and Australia. The degree is funded through the CLEAR-Doc COFUND Doctoral Fellowship Programme at the Université Gustave Eiffel in Paris with a requirement that the student spend at least 6 months in Australia with the Institute of Transport & Logistics Studies (ITLS), University of Sydney. The student will be co-supervised by Dr Jimmy Armoogum (Université Gustave Eiffel) and Professor Stephen Greaves (University of Sydney). The student will be appointed for a period of 36 months based on a salary of 2 700 € (gross salary per month) equivalent to around AU$4,000/month. Note, that Australian residency is preferred but not essential and the scheme is only open to applicants who have not resided or carried out their main activity (work studies etc) in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline.

Deadline: Monday, 21 March 2022

Further Information: Details of the scheme, eligibility criteria and how to apply: MSCA-COFUND-CLEAR-Doc - PhD Position #CD21-04: Prospective mobility to horizon 2060

15 02 ANPET Papers NotíciaWhat: Call for papers: Special Issue, "Application of MCDM in Logistics and Transportation Engineering" for Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (JTTE) (English Edition)

Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods have seen an incredible amount of use over the last several decades. Its role in different application areas has increased significantly, especially as new MCDM methods are continuously developing and old methods are improved to assist decision-makers. MCDM techniques assist in refining the quality of decisions through its efficient and explicit processes. However, selection of appropriate MCDM technique depends on research problem, keywords, and research objectives. Additionally, the decision for selecting an appropriate weighting method so called as expert inputs is a difficult task in solving a multi-criteria decision problem. Sometimes the decisions are influenced by decision-makers and their environment, which has led to the exploring of various non-statistical methods (i.e., fuzzy set theory, rough set theory, possibility theory, or fuzzy neural networks) and their application with MCDM techniques.

Deadline: Full paper submission on or before 15 March, 2022.

Further Information: For further information please see the Special Issue webpage.

What: Call for abstracts: 2nd International Workshop on High-speed Rail Socioeconomic Impacts, Online 13-14 Sept 2022

Papers focusing on the impacts on equity and inclusion; on the land use system, such as activity and residential location choice; on the environment; on the tourism industry; on the property market as well as on pricing policies; on project evaluation; on competition, cooperation and integration with other transport modes, etc. are welcome. Papers will be accepted for presentation and discussion at the workshop, presenting either a theoretical or an empirical perspective approach.

The publishing house Springer has already expressed serious interest in publishing the Proceedings, and the volume is being considered for inclusion in the Springer book series “Contributions to Economics” (indexed in Scopus).

The workshop is organised by the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic and Basic Sciences School of the University of Naples Federico II and will be held online due to the ongoing uncertainty relating to the pandemic.

Deadline: Deadline for abstract submission is 15 May 2022

Further Information: Further information about the call on the Workshop Website

Kind Regards


World Conference on Transport Research Society

Institute for Transport Studies

34-40 University Road

University of Leeds



09 02 ANPET ZIRP NotíciaOne of the leading international conferences in the field of transport and traffic science ZIRP 2022 will take place in Šibenik on September 28th - 30th 2022.

Focus of ZIRP 2022 conference is "Long-Term Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics - Covid-19 Aftermath", but as always you are welcome to explore other topics related to transport, logistics and aeronautics.


All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings „Transportation Research Procedia“ (Referenced in Scopus and WoS).

Conference Proceedings indexed in Scopus and Web of Science are published in English in “Transportation Research Procedia”, publishing house Elsevier BV (SJR 2019 = 0,657 comparable to the Q2 journals of the subject area “Social Sciences” of the field of study “Transport” (SA-Social Sciences (Transportation)).

Additionally, paper assessed by the Programme Committee as a significant contribution to science will be recommended for possible publication in accordance with the usual procedure in the journals:

  • PROMET - Traffic & Transportation (Referenced in SCIE, WoS)
  • Sustainability - Special Issue "The Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility" (Referenced in SCIE, WoS)
  • Energies - Special Issue "Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Logistics" (Referenced in SCIE, WoS)

Deadline for papers submission – May 31th, 2022
Notification of Paper Acceptance - July 18th, 2022

Please find more details on the ZIRP website or our LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram!

07 02 Anpet Inscrições NoticiaÁrea: Geotecnia Ambiental e Mecânica dos Solos Experimental e Teórica

Informações: 01 Vaga Professor do Ensino Superior
Titulação: Doutorado em Geotecnia ou em Engenharia Civil com Ênfase em Geotecnia

Acesse AQUI para mais informações.

02 02 ANPET Revista NotíciaA Revista Brasileira de Transportes - RBT é uma publicação para difusão científica, bilíngue, com periodicidade semestral, vinculada ao FGV Transportes, centro de estudos e pesquisas em transportes, logística e mobilidade urbana da FGV. Para publicação na RBT, serão considerados artigos inéditos, que não devem estar sob avaliação de outro periódico, mesmo que em outro idioma, com a exceção de trabalhos apresentados em anais de congressos. O acesso ao conteúdo da RBT é aberto, sem cobrança de qualquer valor pecuniário para submissão ou publicação.

Confira AQUI a segunda edição completa da Revista Brasileira de Transportes da FGV Transportes

03 02 Noticia Anpet TransportResearchA Transportation Research Part A está recebendo artigos sobre Aligning  Transportation with Sustainable Development Goals in the Global South. O objetivo é trazer discussões sobre igualdade, mobilidade, bem-estar, sustentabilidade e acessibilidade para o planejamento de transporte.

O prazo de submissão é 22/03/2022.

Clique AQUI para mais informações.

03 02 Noticia Anpet TransportPolicySpecial Issue: Accessibility, Mobility, and Equity: Lessons, Pitfalls and Perspectives from Transport Policies in Latin America

Prazo de submissão: 30 de Março de 2022.

Background: Despite the benefits and social relevance of sustainable transportation, it has not always been a priority for the urban planning agendas of most Latin American cities. The region has witnessed urban development based historically on high investment in urban roads and public transport, with a lack of public investment in pedestrian spaces and bicycle infrastructure. The COVID-19 pandemic has recently accelerated some strategies and policies to promote sustainable transport, but it has also made evident some inequality patterns previously ignored within the Latin American planning perspective. Among many things, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of urban logistics systems, the role of technologies in performing daily activities, and the need to provide access to essential services in proximity to households through adequate urban planning.

Latin America has also been a laboratory for innovative transport policy planning and implementation. In recent years, the region has witnessed important advances in public transport systems, the strengthening of bicycle use, and policies discouraging car use. Also, discussions about equity and accessibility have gained relevance in the public agenda. All these policies have provided lessons learned both through successes and pitfalls.

This special issue seeks articles based on Latin American experiences in tackling transportation problems, revitalizing the role of active and public transportation in our cities, and identifying gaps and barriers to implementing sustainable transport policies. This special issue is a space to present and discuss lessons learned from recent transportation planning processes in Latin America and to propose current and future challenges and solutions in the transportation field, particularly those related to accessibility, sustainability and equity.

Acesse AQUI para mais informações.
